The Summit State School P&C Association meetings are held each term - dates are advised in the newsletter. The Association Executive is a formal body, elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the beginning of each year.
The objectives of the association are to maintain, develop and improve education and facilities for the benefit of all members of The Summit State School community.
Increasing collaborative decision making is a major responsibility, not a burden, of the association.
Meeting dates are set at each meeting and are advertised in our school newsletter.
Parent involvement
Parents and friends can become involved in school activities in other ways besides P&C meetings. Help in tuckshop, transporting and participation in school sport and school excursions, reading groups, swimming lessons and planning sessions, is truly valued. A Playgroup and Mother’s Club also operate during term time.
Fund raising activities require much effort but are always fun and very satisfying.
Several social gatherings are held throughout the year to enable staff, parents, friends and children to mix away from the more formal structured activities.